Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Art & Design Professor Kevin Henry will give his lecture, "The Many Ironies of Technology," on Wednesday.

Here's what Professor Henry has to say about his lecture:

"The content will be a brief exploration of the way in which technologies are both liberating and confining, life-affirming and life-threatening, life-enhancing and life-diminishing.

"I will talk about the ways in which technology (which I define as anything that amplifies or extends our abilities as humans -- including the pencil, the printing press, the iPod, etc.) can radically alter not only our lives (for good and bad) but more importantly our habits, outlooks, and ways of doing things and how it often takes a generation or more to even notice the change.

"I will also talk about the ways in which humans embrace and battle these changes."

Keep in mind the things we talked about after the lecture on Monday. What do you need to do to stay engaged like a true college student?

-- Kate

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