Monday, July 21, 2008

Bridge Student

My name is Stymia Marie Griffin-Hill I'm eighteen years old and my major is fashion design. I was born in May wood IL but raised in Bolingbrook IL. I graduated from Bolingbrook High School June 8th and it was an joyful day but at the same time you will never know when you might see your classmates ever again but I'm happy it's over is was an great growing experience for me I work part time as an sales associate at Bass Pro Shops and cashier. I'm here today at Columbia College because it's the first step I have to take in order to become and fashion designer and to gain an better understanding of college life and I believe that the bridge program will help me do so. Being successful for me would be finishing college and having an wonder career that I love and that I'm passionate about and enjoy that I could see myself doing this for as long as you live on this earth maybe an husband and kids but that would be my last focus when ever it comes.

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