Monday, July 28, 2008

The Women with Half a Face

The reason I have choosen this photograph is because when I think about a juxtaposition I think of this. Two halfs opposing each other. The womens face is being juxtaposed.
When i look at this I think about the choices the artisist choose to make. For example why did the arisist decided to use half of a skull and half of a human face? They both have the same type of facial expression, even though half of her face is bone.
I believe that artist choose to make these decisons because he/she wanted to show the life and the death of this women in this picture. The womens facial expression is that of a dead women in my opionion. So maybe hes trying to show what shes going to look like when shes dead and gone.
The background of this photo feels cold and dark. The background sort of illuminates the structure of the skull. Theres hair covering the sides of the living womens face. The hair is old. The colors are gray and white. This could tell me that the women is that of old age.

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