Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Image on Poverty

Isis Nicole!!
Image on Poverty
To me an image of poverty is complete damage. I see a broken down atmosphere where people have been placed to live. I think of third world countries where young kids and families have little to no health care. I think of underdeveloped buildings, scarce supply of food, poor medical aid, and mass pollution.

I know that I am fortunate to not have to experience a life in poverty. I feel bad for those who have to live in a world that is extremely limited and based only on survival. Moving to Chicago I have never seen so many homeless people sleeping on street corners asking for money and or sometimes cigarettes. When I look at them I see a life I would never want for myself. I also think of how they ended up there. Was it by choice? Was it because they always grew up without a home? Was it because they once had it all and then later on lost everything? I just wonder how they got into having absolutely nothing at all.

Oh my goodness, typing this I'm just realizing how grateful I am. Too have what I have is more than enough. Shelter is not provided for everybody. I'm not so sure that it's something you have to deserve or earn. I mean maybe, but a home is meant for everyone. Any human being qualifies for a place to stay. I don't think anything is wrong with earning a better looking home if you work hard for it, but no one should have to live on a street corner. No child should be abandoned without shelter. No one should suffer to have a basic life. Just a decent life with opportunities could encourage someones life. And as far as the rest of the world, having better leaders and faith, and support from other countries may create a change...


Kate Dougherty said...

Your first paragraph describes such a large scene from a distant view. I was surprised, then, to see the image you posted later. It's so narrowly focused on the people. How did you go about zooming in like you did? How does the family (assuming the photo is of a family) represent what you mention -- a setting that's "broken down," "third world," without "health care," having "underdeveloped buildings, scarce supply of food, poor medical aid, and mass pollution"?

-- Kate

LaurenC said...

You said in your blog the you are very greatful for what you have and the life you have, but what if something went wrong and you find yourself living just like the people you see on the streets how would that change your look on the homeless?