Monday, July 21, 2008

Hi my name is Lauren Cantore and I am from Chicago. I moved around alot but have always considered Chicago my home. I attened an all girls private high school, which wasn't the best experience in my life. I am hoping that Columbia is one experience that I will always rememeber. I am attending Columbia College for many reasons! My major is Public Relations but I am very interested in Art History and Photography! I am very excited for the bridge program not just for my education but to meet alot of people that I will see in the fall semester. I'm hoping to make alot of new friends! I plan to work hard everyday until I have reached my goals in life! Alot of people talk about setting goals but often do anything to make them happen, thats why I am going to do everything I can to reach mine. I believe that if there is something you really want, it's worth working hard for!

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