Monday, July 21, 2008

hey it's me!

hi! my name is La'Crassia Wilderness. I am 19 years old. I am interesting in Journalism and that's why im here. I'm here because i want to succed. I'm attending the bridge program because i didnt do so goood in high school on the following subjects, such as math, because i have a learning disability in math and english, which was my favorite subject in school so i was suprised to when i didnt do so well. well i'm not goin to say all that i didnt do well me senoir year and my sophmore year.

I love to read and write. my major is journalism and that is because i want to write for fashion magazine. But i don't just want to write about fashion. I want to write about everything. I want people to hear what i have to say and to hear my insights on things. I want to attend columbia because it has exactly what course i want to take- magazine writing and editing! Out of all the schools that i looked at and googled Columbia was the only one that had it and i have heard many great things about this school so I know i'm destined for greatness.
To tell you a little bit about myself, i'm from St. Louis,MO I lived there all my life and i really dont want to live there for the rest of my life I know that im destined to be in chicago. St.louis just isn't the place for me I cant reach my full potential in St.Louis. My hobbies are modeling which i plan to pick back up this year in chicago. I love runway modeling but if you look at me then you will know why I can't pursue that type of career. Yes, there is a height problem there! i am only 5'2. So I plan on doing commercial modeling. Another thing I love to do is poetry. I am a really deep person on paper but if you talk to me you will see that I am really laid back.

I graduated from parkway west high school. which by the way was not a good experience. im hoping in college i reach my full potential and shine as bright as i can because i think that's its about time. I can go on and on about myself but I want to save some for later because i am a very intersting person and I love what iIdo and I know I will love who I become at columbia college because I am destined for greatness. And I answer your question about why I am here. I am here because this is were I feel I should be. Nobody made me come here. I love the environment and the people. I know what im good at and what I have a passion for and that's writing. To sum it all up i am here to write.

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