Wednesday, July 23, 2008


What is proverty ?
Do you know how if feels to not be able to eat when you want to eat? To live in a house that is all damaged,roachs every were?To have kids and can not be able to feed them becuase the mother working a low income job . Parnet that can not eat because that have to give there food to there child and they have nothing to eat for nights.Your kids can not go outside to play becuase the complex is so bad there shooting everday ,crack head are out.So why are they living in proverty is it there choice to be live in proverty ,did they make the dession not to get a education .

So what is america going to do set back and let this happen.Just becuase there living good and others not its ok .But i see people buying new cars for there kids and they cant even drive,what is the world coming to .What happen to working to get were you want to go, instead of having everthing givin to becuase of your parnets have money that some bullshit .there kid working ther ass off just to get a meal for one day .But that how life go you win some and lose some but you live to fight another day.

1 comment:

Kate Dougherty said...

How did you choose to break your posting into two parts? What do the two colors represent?

You comment well on the struggles of the impoverished and offer a challenge for those you aren't. How might those with money help those without? What responsibility do members of society have to one another?

What does poverty physically look like to your mind's eye?